Engaging people to make Rapid progress...Together



    Alice Collier Cochran, M.Ed has been consultant in the field of organization effectiveness for over twenty years.  Her former positions include college student personnel administrator, management development trainer and consultant, quality improvement program (TQM) developer, and employee involvement department head in business. 

    She currently focuses on developing college leaders, facilitating inclusive strategic planning, increasing collaboration in groups, improving meetings and facilitating “ Done-In-a-Day” planning retreats and off-sites.

    Alice has been affiliated with Interaction Associates and the Interaction Institute for Social Change, an international consulting firm specializing in facilitation training and collaborative planning for corporations and nonprofit organizations 

    A Faculty Fellow with Dominican University’s Institute for Leadership Studies and adjunct faculty in the School of Business and Leadership, she has has taught Organizational Behavior and managed special projects, including LeaderShape training for student leaders.

    She has been a board member of the Bay Area Organization Development Network and the American Society for Training and Development. She’s past president of the Golden Gate Tall Ships Society and a convener of the Marin Advisory Council of the American Cancer Society.

    Alice wrote Roberta’s Rules of Order for nonprofit boards and other teams (published by Jossey- Bass/Wiley in 2004). The book was nominated for the 2005 Terry McAdams nonprofit book award by the Alliance for Nonprofit Management. 

    She has also written a new QuickStart Guide to implement the sections on meetings and group decisions in Roberta’s Rules of Order.  A second QuickStart Guide is in development.

    Alice is a sailor who uses sailing and sea analogies to explain concepts in her books, workshops and presentations. She owns a small traditional catboat that she berths in Sausalito, Calfiornia and also loves to sail in the summer in Maine.

Alice Collier Cochran • email • 415.457.8997 - Pacific Time